During the three autumn months, the Facebook page of Tene Kaubandus received 2.5 times more visits than in the summer, and four times more users were reached on Instagram. This is thanks to active social media management in cooperation with the Hundred Agency team.
Tene is an Estonian company that operates in Haapsalu and produces high-quality (garden) houses, sheds, saunas, campsites, gazebos, etc. using sustainably grown timber of the Nordic and Baltic countries. The company with a history of more than 20 years employs nearly a hundred people, and its products are sold both in Estonia, in the Baltic Sea region, and all over the world.
At the end of the summer of 2023, Getrin Reesar, Board Member and Export Manager of Tene, with whom we had previously collaborated on Google Ads and permanent ads in social media, approached us with the desire to take the company’s social media accounts to a new level, making them more engaging. Thus, we took the third step in the process of renewing Tene’s digital marketing, by starting to manage the company’s social media channels on a monthly basis from September.

Professional Content Management as A Game Changer
“Up until then we had managed our social media accounts by ourselves, but we had realized that we needed to invest more time in it and also needed to have very specific knowledge,” said Getrin. Therefore, the company decided to entrust this part of digital marketing to the Hundred Agency too.
Creating and managing a social media content strategy is one of the most important parts of digital marketing. During this process:
- the target group and goals are defined;
- diverse, customized, and relevant content is created for each channel;
- content is scheduled to be published:
- and the results of activities are regularly analyzed to optimize the content for future activities.
This well-structured approach is crucial for maximizing the benefits of social media marketing, both for companies with local focus, but especially for exporting companies. For the latter, the advantage of social media is the possibility to reach a very large user base with a reasonable budget.
However, to exploit the potential, you need to know the different markets well. Professional content managers know where and how to find the necessary information on the platforms, and skillfully craft a suitable strategy, based on which to post consistent and clear messages, building and strengthening the brand image.
Having brand awareness in mind, our good client decided to become more active in social media, even though the market for smaller wooden buildings is rather quiet in the autumn period. By being consistently visible in the low season, the brand will be remembered by users, making the company much more confident when facing the hot summer months next year.
Hence, Tene Kaubandus set us the goal of taking the company’s social media accounts to a new level and increasing user engagement. We were tasked with managing three accounts:
- Tene’s Facebook page in Estonian –www.facebook.com/teneaiamajad;
- Tene’s Instagram page in English – @tene_kaubandus;
- Piha-Tuuri’s Facebook page in Finnish –www.facebook.com/piharakennukset (Piha-Tuuri is the trademark Tene uses on the Finnish market).
Analyzing the current state of Tene’s accounts, and following the latest trends (increasing importance of social media, relatively frequent and regular presence on social media channels, the wave of video marketing), we proposed the following action plan:
- to increase the image bank by organizing a photo and video shoot;
- to create a comprehensive content calendar of posts;
- to post engaging and educational content;
- to test different formats: picture, gallery, video;
- to do all of the above regularly.
Despite the timing, the performance of Tene’s social media accounts has improved significantly.
In the first three months (Sept–Nov), the number of fans of Tene’s Estonian-language Facebook page increased by more than 200 people. Previously, acquiring such a large number of people on board in the tiny Estonian market used to take much longer. User engagement has increased by almost one-fifth, and the number of visits to Tene’s Estonian-language Facebook page increased by as much as 2.5-fold.
In one week, Tene’s most popular post received a total of 317 likes (previously this number was mostly around a few dozen) and 13 shares on Facebook, and 199 likes on Instagram.

The number of users reached on Instagram has quadrupled from mid-September to mid-December, and engagement has increased by as much as 748%. Despite the low base of comparison, the results are noteworthy.
It’s also important to mention that greater involvement has cut the average cost per engagement manyfold, decreasing more than 80%, from 6 to 1 cent (€).
On the Finnish-language Piha-Tuuri page, user engagement increased by 12.9% and the number of visits went up by almost half. The average cost per engagement is twice as low as before, falling from 2 to 1 cent (€).
Drivers of Increased User Engagement
Frequent and diverse content certainly plays a role, as well as the fact that we boldly use video content, which is valued by marketers precisely for its ability to engage users.
Previously, we used to post pictures of completed works and new products, which was perhaps a bit monotonous. Now, with Hundred, we’ve found a number of topics that may be self-evident to us, but not to our customers. For example, we showcase behind-the-scenes of our production, post how-to-videos for product assembly, and introduce various stages of our products’ completion to match the diligence level of our customers,” said Getrin. “We’re glad that we decided to unite our forces with Hundred Agency to take care of this part of digital marketing too. Even with our best intentions, professional content management is of a completely new level.
If you believe there’s untapped potential in your company’s social media accounts, contact us. Publishing regular and useful content for your potential customers can significantly increase followers, brand awareness, and customer trust, leading to improved sales results both in the winds of big campaigns, as well as in low seasons. Stay active on social media, and your brand will gain visibility and recognition!